XXIII Italian Conference on Neuromuscolar Diseases | Padua, June 8-10, 2023

SiNAPSA | 23. 2. 2023

Spoštovani člani SiNAPSE,

Italijansko združenje za miologijo (The Italian Association of Miology - AIM) nam je posredovalo obvestilo o naslednji Italijanski konferenci o živčno-mišičnih boleznih (Italian Conference on Neuromuscolar Diseases), ki bo potekala v Padovi, od 8. do 10. junija 2023. Prijave na konferenco so že odprte.

Spodaj posredujemo njihovo sporočilo s pripadajočimi pomembnimi povezavami.

Vabljeni tudi k delitvi informacije med kolege, ki bi jih udeležba utegnila zanimati.

As the organizing secretariat of the Italian Association of Miology – AIM and on behalf of the Association Board of directors, we would like to inform you that the next Italian Conference on Neuromuscular Diseases will be held in Padua, Italy, from 8 to 10 June 2023.

We would like to inform you that registrations for the conference are now open, such as the abstract submissions: https://congressoaim2023.it/abstract/.

Abstracts must be submitted in English and accepted abstracts will be published after the conference in the Journal – Acta Myologica, available at the following Pub Med Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/1221/.

We would like to inform you about this opportunity, that you in case you are interested you could share it with the Slovenian Neuroscience Association (SiNAPSA) members, which could be interested in.

We remain at your complete disposal for any further information you may need.

Best regards,

Andrea Gaia Rancati

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