





Strani v Slovenščini






On the basis of article 9 of Law on Associations, a following statute was adopted at the 1st assembly of SiNAPSA, Slovenian Neuroscience Association, on May 20th, 2003.



Article 1

The full name of the association shall be “SiNAPSA, Slovenian Neuroscience Association”. The short name shall be “SiNAPSA, Neuroscience Association”, henceforth “the Association”. The Association shall be an apolitical, areligious, professional, voluntary association, that unites professionals and researchers from the field of neuroscience.

Article 2

The registered office of the Association shall be: Inštitut za patološko fiziologijo (Institute of Pathophisiology), Zaloška 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Association shall be a legal entity, managed by this statue and in accordance with the Slovenian Law on Associations.

The Association shall operate on the territory of Republic of Slovenia.

Article 3

The Association shall associate with other organisations with related or simmilar aims and goals on a vertical and horizontal level in Slovenia and abroad in accordance with the Law on associations.

Article 4

In Slovenia as well as abroad the Association shall be represented by the President; in his or her absence, it shall be represented by the Secretary of the Association.

Article 5

The Association shall have its own symbol and seal. The symbol of the Association shall be represented by a stylised image of the brain cortical gyri within the contours of the map of Slovenia. Underneath the name name in Slovene (Slovensko druAssociation) shall be written. The image of the brain cortical gyri shall be printed in light blue color while the text shall be set in black.

The seal of the Association shall be represented by a schematic image of the brain cortical gyri within the contours of the map of Slovenia, with the name seal shall be monochrome, by rule in dark blue color.

Article 6

The Association shall operate publicly and on the principle of democracy, supported by providing on-time, full and factual information on the questions of it’s work area.

The meetings of the Association bodies shall be public.


Article 7

The goals and tasks of the Association shall be:

Carrying out the above tasks, the Association shall be obliged to conform to the laws that regulate profitable activities of associations. These activities shall be carried out to the extent that enables normal functioning of the Association.


Article 8

The membership in the Association shall be:

Slovenian citizenship shall not be a prerequisite for membership in the Association.

Article 9

A proffesional or scientist from the fields of neuroscience who applies for the membership and obtaines written support of two regular or honorary members shall be able to become a regular member of the Association. The candidate shall become regular member after fullfiling the following obligations:

Honorary membership shall present a special award bestowed upon a distinguished scientist or professional. The rules of awarding honorary memberships and the privileges of the honorary members shall be specified in separate regulations approved by the assembly.

A student membership shall be granted to an undergraduate or graduate student, who actively engages in neuroscientific research and/or expresses genuine interest in neurosicence.

Article 10

The rights of regular members shall be:

The rights of the student members shall be:

Student members shall be entitled to reduced membership fee.

Article 11

The duties of the Association members shall be:

Article 12

Membership in the Association shall be terminated:

Student membership shall be terminated by loss of student status.

The decisions regarding the gain and loss of membership shall be made by the Managing Board in accordance with the statute.


Article 13

The bodies of the association shall be:

The membership in the last three bodies shall be mutualy exclusive.

The mandate for the last three bodies shall be 2 years. No member shall be elected for more than two consequtive mandates to the same body.

Article 14

The Assembly shall be the highest body of the Association and shall include all regular and honorary members of the Association. Assembly shall elect and dismiss the Managing Board, the Supervisory Board and the Honorary Board of Arbitration in accordance with separate election regulations. Assembly shall appoint additional boards and councils necessary for the functioning of the Association and/or implementation of the tasks of the Association, proposed by the Managing Board.

Article 15

Assembly meetings shall be either regular or special. A regular Assembly shall convene once a year and shall be organised by the Managing Board. The date of the Assembly and the proposed agenda shall be announced at least two weeks before the Assembly takes place.

A special Assembly shall convene as needed either by the Managing Board, Supervisory Board or when requested by at least 1/3 of members as confirmd by their signature. The special Assembly shall discuss and make decisions only on matters for which it has been convened.

Article 16

The Assembly shall accept decisions with regular majority of the regular and honorary members present. When deciding about the change of statute or dissolution of the Association, a majority of at least 2/3 of members shall be required.

Article 17

The Assembly shall take place if more than half of it members is present at the announced time. If the condition shall not be met, the start of the Assembly shall be delayed for 30 minutes after which time the Assembly shall take place if at least 10 members shall be present.

The assembly shall be opened and led by the president of the association until a working comitee is elected. When needed the assembly shall elect also other bodies necessary for the work of the assembly.

Minutes shall be kept on the work of the assembly and shall be signed by the chairperson, the recording clerk and two certifiers.

Article 18

The competences of the Assembly shall be:

Article 19

Managing Board shall be the executive body of the Association that convenes the Assembly and implements tasks and plans adopted by the Assembly. For its work the Managing Board shall be responsible to the Assembly.

Article 20

The Managing Board shall consist of the following members:

The president of the Managing Board shall also be the President of the Association, who shall chair and represent the Association, as well as chair, run and convene the Managing Board meetings.

The Secretary of the Managing Board shall supervise the legality of the the Managing Board work, shall be in charge of organizing the meetings of the Assembly and the Managing Board, and shall keep the minutes of the Managing Board meetings. The Secretary shall substitute for the President with full power of representation. The Secretary shall be responsible to the Assembly.

The Treasurer shall oversee all moneys and valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Association. The Treasurer’s work shall be public. The Treasurer shall report to the Assembly and the Managing Board. The Treasurer shall render to the Assembly and the Managing Board, an account of the financial transactions and status of the Association.

Project group leaders shall represent project group members, report on the work of the project groups and coordinate it with the work of the Association, its bodies and other project groups.

Article 21

Elections for the Association boards and bodies shall be called by the Managing Board President. Candidate names shall be publicly announced no less than 14 days ahead of the Assembly meeting. Detailed election rules, term definitions and candidacy policies are specified in separate election regulations.

A member whose function in the Managing Board, the Supervisory Board or the Honorary Board of Arbitration has been terminated, cannot run for the listed postitions again.

Article 22

Managing Board shall convene when required, but no less than twice annually. The Managing Board shall be convened by the President. The President shall convene the Managing Board if such a meeting is requested by 3 Managing Board members or the Supervisory Board.

The Managing Board shall have a quorum if more than half of the members are present. Valid resolutions shall be adopted based on a majority of votes from the members present.

Managing Board shall also allow for correspondence sessions. A correspondence-session resolution shall be reached if no member of the Managing Board requests a consultation. A resolution shall be noted in writing and confirmed at the first regular meeting of the Managing Board.

Article 23

Tasks of the Managing Board shall be:

Article 24

The Supervisory Board shall consist of three members elected by the Assembly. The Supervisory Board shall follow the work of the Association and its bodies and it shall oversee its material and financial transactions.

The Supervisory Board shall supervise the implementation of the statute and regulations of the Association, and the implementation of the Association resolutions. The Supervisory Board shall oversee the fulfillment of membership duties, and supervise reasonable and adequate use of financial and material resources.

The Supervisory Board shall convene when necessary but no less than once annually. The Supervisory Board resolutions shall be reached with 2/3 majority vote. The Supervisory Board is responsible to the Assembly.

Article 25

The Honorary Arbitration Board shall be composed of three members elected by the Assembly. The Chairperson of the Honorary Board of Arbitration shall be elected from among the members of the board. The Honorary Board of Arbitration shall make decisions with a majority of votes of all members. The Honorary Board of Arbitration is responsible to the Assembly.

The Honorary Board of Arbitration shall lead procedures and take disciplinary actions in accordance with disciplinary procedures layed out in a separate set of disciplinary regulations. The Honorary Board of Arbitration shall issue following disciplinary actions: reprimand, a public reprimand, and termination of membership.

An appeal against the Honorary Board of Arbitration decision can be submitted to the Assembly within 15 days. The Assembly decision shall be final.


Article 26

The Association shall gain assets for its operation:

Article 27

The Association shall provide data on its financial and material management in a fashion defined by accounting standards for associations. Data shall be provided in accordance with accounting standards for associations.

Financial and material management shall be public. It shall be conducted in accordance with regulations on financial and material management and accounting standards for associations. Any regular member of the Association shall have the right of insight into the financial and material management of the Association.

The Association shall operate through a bank account.

Article 28

Financial statements and material documents shall be signed by the President who shall be responsible for providing guidance for managing the assets of the Association. In President’s absence the documents shall be signed by the Association Secretary.

Article 29

Supervision of the financial transactions shall be carried out by the Supervisory Board reporting to the Managing Board and the Assembly.


Article 30

The meetings of the Assembly and bodies shall be public. The President shall be responsible for ensuring the public nature of the Association work.


Article 31

The Association shall be dissolved:

The resolution on the dissolving of the Association shall be adopted by the Assembly. The resolution shall include the name of a similar association to which all assets will be transferred after the settlement of all obligations

Article 32

This statute shall be put in force when adopted by the majority of the association members at the assembly.

Ljubljana, May 20, 2003.

President of the Association

Mara Bresjanac