Event | 17. 12. 2007

SiNAPSA invites you to a seminar with three invited speakers: Drs. Asa Petersen, Deniz Kirik and Giampiero Leanza

You are cordially invited to attend a research seminar with three short lectures given by the following guest-speakers:

- Asa Petersen: Neuroendocrine Changes in Huntington's Disease

- Deniz Kirik: Cell Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease: Role of dopamine and serotonin neurons in graft-derived functions

- Giampiero Leanza: Cognitive deficits, cholinergic hypofunction and amyloid deposition in a rat model of Alzheimer's Disease

Dr. Petersenand Dr. Kirik are coming from the Wallenberg Neuroscience Center in Lund, Sweden, and Dr. Leanza is coming from the B.R.A.I.N. Neuroscience Center of the University of Trieste, Italy.

The seminar will take place in the Neurology department seminar room at the 5th floor of the University Clinical Center in Ljubljana, on December 19, at 14:00.

News | 8. 12. 2007

Professor Andrej O. Župančič, the honorary member of SiNAPSA, has died

Saddened by the news, we announce that Professor Andrej O. Župančič, the first honorary member of SiNAPSA, died on December 3, 2007. He was 92.

Slovenian neuroscientists of the middle and senior age group are all familiar with Professor Župančič. Most of us have known him as the first Head of the Institute of Pathophysiology of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ljubljana. However, his life story is so rich with diverse activities, filled with unexpected turns and outstanding achievements that it would make an engaging reading. He shrugged off suggestions that he should consider writing an autobiography, saying: "Perhaps I'll think about it... when I get old." Indeed, he never did get "old".

His coworkers at the Institute have known him as a charismatic person, a polyhistor and a charming, witty partner in conversation. At the occasion of his 80th birthday and the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Institute for Pathophysiology, we invited him to plant a walnut tree in the small garden behind the Institute. In the 12 years since that day, the tiny plant has grown into a strong tree that is bearing tasty fruit. Professor Župančič observed it proudly when he visited the Institute to give a presentation at his inauguration into the first honorary member of SiNAPSA in January 2005.

For SiNAPSA, it was a true honor to have Professor Župančič accept the invitation to be our first honorary member. He liked the mission and philosophy behind our organisation and hoped to see our efforts bear fruit. At the time, the society was much like the tiny walnut tree he planted years ago. Hopefully, SiNAPSA will grow much the same way like the proud tree. Professor Župančič's contribution to that has been precious and is warmly appreciated.

Announcement | 3. 8. 2007

Invitation to SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference '07

The 2nd SiNAPSA International Neuroscience Conference will take place between October 5 and 7, 2007, at the Medical faculty in Ljubljana, Korytkova 2. You are cordially invited to present your research by submitting an abstract. The deadline for submission has been extended to August 31.

The Conference will be accompanied by an Educational Workshop on Executive Brain Functions, organized by SiNAPSA and the Slovenian Association for Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neurology. The Workshop is intended for graduate students, residents and specialists in psychology, neurology and psychiatry, and others who wish to broaden their knowledge.

Both events are generously sponsored by IBRO, allowing SiNAPSA to keep them registration-free and to even provide a few travel grants for eligible applicants form less privileged regions.

Eligibility requirements, other relevant information, Conference abstract submission form and application form for the Workshop can be found here. You are kindly invited to forward this information to your colleagues and students who may be interested in participating.

To facilitate the dissemination of this information, we are attaching two informative posters for the Conference and the Workshop.

priponka: SiNAPSA Conference and Workshop 07.pdf

Event | 31. 1. 2007

International SFEMG Course and IXth Quantitative EMG Conference

For more information, please visit the conference web site:


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