SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference '19 odprta predavanja za javnost

SiNAPSA, 20. 9. 2019

SiNAPSA, Slovensko društvo za nevroznanost, Medicinska fakulteta UL in UKC Ljubljana vas vabijo na 8. Sinapsino nevroznanstveno konferenco SNC’19.

Program SNC’19 ponuja vrsto zanimivih nastopov in dva dogodka, ki sta odprta za javnost: predavanje in pogovor s prof. dr. Davidom L. Katzem o Zdravem življenjskem slogu v petek 20. septembra ob 17:30 ter predavanje prof. dr. Richarda S. J. Frackowiaka o tem, kaj nam sodobne slikovne metode povedo o delovanju možganov. Predavanje dr. Frackowiaka bo v soboto 21. septembra ob 16h in bo posvečeno spominu na prof. dr. Andreja O. Župančiča.
V nadaljevanju sta pripeta povzetka obeh predavanj, odprtih za javnost.

Upamo, da se vidimo na Medicinski fakulteti UL, Korytkova 2!

Maja Bresjanac
za programski in organizacijski odbor SNC’19

prof. dr. David L. Katz, Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, CT, USA

Lifestyle is the medicine. What is the spoon?

This talk will first examine what the impact of diet and lifestyle COULD BE on the human condition if knowledge were power. It will then consider the toll associated with our failure to use what we know. The talk will then look closely at the body of evidence relating dietary pattern to human health- and make the case that we are NOT clueless about the basic care and feeding of our species. Endless debate about the details of optimal diets, and an insatiable pop culture fascination with scapegoats and silver bullets distract us from the well-known fundamentals of healthful eating, and forestall the stunning advances in public health that would ensue were we to turn what we know into what we do. The case will be made that lifestyle is the best, readily available medicine; and culture could be the spoon that helps it go down.

Professor emeritus Richard S. Frackowiak, at UCL, UK

How are advances in neuroimaging helping us understand the human brain

The human brain is massively redundant in its organisation. When brain systems are damaged, or when reinforced by learning mechanisms, they reorganise by a variety of methods including strengthening or renewing synaptic connections, or by engaging new pathways or constituent brain regions in the learning and recovery processes. Clinical scientists have deployed novel, quantitative MR imaging protocols to track such differential changes by using new, non-linear, multi-variate analytical and statistical methods to explore whether human imaging patterns improve complex brain image classification and hence diagnostic or prognostic precision. The results are encouraging. The eventual ambition is to link genetic, proteomic, electrophysiological, biochemical and clinical features of many patients within a standardised anatomical framework. In the end, the aim is a rewriting of diagnostic manuals that seeks to classify diseases in clinical-biological terms. Implications for personal privacy and other ethical issues resulting from this strategy will be discussed. Recent advances in terms of how diagnostic accuracy, prognosis and personal therapeutics will result from such a strategy and a description of state-of-the-art will be presented with reference to the dementias.

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