Sinapsin nevroznanstveni seminar

SiNAPSA | 9. 1. 2011

Vabimo vas na Sinapsin nevroznanstveni seminar, ki bo v sredo 12.01.2011 ob 18. uri v predavalnici Inštituta za patološko fiziologijo, Zaloška 4, Ljubljana (vhod z Zaloške c.).

Zvrstili se bosta dve predavanji:

Is experience researchable?
Ass. Prof. Urban Kordeš, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education

Researchers within the wide realm of cognitive science are increasingly aware of the fact that the ignorance of lived human experience might mean a loss of an important, perhaps even a crucial element. Thus a new area of inquiry has recently been born (or better re-born), the so-called phenomenological research – an attempt to systematically observe experience. The presentation briefly introduces this rather new approach in cognitive science. It is a mostly qualitative research project dedicated to the examination of experience, based on the assumption that phenomenal data cannot be reduced to or derived from the third-person perspective (i.e. behaviour or events in the brain). The state-of-the-art in this field will be outlined together with some of the greatest difficulties. Out of a variety of approaches that share the name phenomenological (or firstperson) research, descriptive experience sampling (DES), conceived by Russell Hurlburt, will be emphasised. The basic idea of DES – random sampling of experience – is recently widely used within some of the hottest research areas of cognitive science (research of emotion, mind wandering, flow and peak experiences etc.). It is also one of the approaches our research group is using in our attempt to contribute to mapping of the human experience. We are developing an iPhone/iPod application for DES which is currently being used in the project “Phenomenology of communication”.

Experience sampling in mind wandering research
Christoph Huber, BA, Cognitive Science student, University of Vienna & University of Ljubljana

In the second part of the seminar, the experience research related to mind wandering will be introduced. Mind wandering is a very common phenomenon in our everyday lives. For example, if this text was longer, you would probably at some point start to think about something unrelated to what is written here. Other names for this phenomenon (or something similar) are daydreaming, stimulus-independent thought, task-unrelated thought, and spontaneous cognition. One way to grasp mind wandering is by using a simplification (and quantification) of DES method, called experience sampling. How this method is used in combination with other methods (fMRI and taskperformance measures) to investigate the conditions and characteristics of mind wandering will be shown by giving examples of the work of Malia F. Mason, Jonathan W. Schooler, and Daniel T. Gilbert.

Moderator: Matej Markota

Zaradi gostov iz tujine bo seminar potekal v angleščini.

Veseli bomo, če boste vabilo iz priponke obesili na vidno mesto, sporočilo pa posredovali vsem, ki bi jih utegnilo zanimati.

Lep pozdrav,
Projektna skupina Nevroznanstveni seminarji


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